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If  there are synagogues open in your neighborhood, and it is sage to attend feel free to join the prayers. You will have a chance to:
Connect to G-D through prayer and have the opportunity to pray on behalf of the health and saftey of mankind during these trying times.
Hear the inspring speech before or after the Torah reading.
Hear the reading of the Torah.
Partake in a Kiddush ( If your synagouge serves one). Otherwise you can eat Shabbat lunch at home.

You can spend the rest of the day relaxing with your family, reading a Jewish book or tow and, of course get a well deserved Shabbat rest.

If the synagogues in your neighborhood are temporarily closed or your do not feel safe to attend, you can pray at home, review the weekly Torah portion and spend the rest of the day with your family reading or resting. 

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